How I Pick the Points!

One of the most common questions I get in my clinic is, “How do you know which points to use?” Really, it’s the same way your MD knows which drug to prescribe or referral to give, lots and lots of training.

If you’ve watched my other videos, you’ve probably figured out by now that Acupuncture is a physical medicine and not an energy medicine. It works on the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and immune system. Despite the conventional wisdom that this is all very mystical, quite a lot is known about the mechanism of Acupuncture, particularly in the treatment of pain. If you have advanced education in physiology or medicine, I highly recommend reading Donald Kendall’s The Dao of Chinese Medicine, printed by Oxford University Press! I don’t get any kickbacks for recommending it; I just think it’s a great book.

For the regular folks out there, these videos will help you understand what is going through my mind when making a point selection. It’s all very physiological and straightforward! It doesn’t even require chanting or channeling or any other mystical intervention!

If you liked those, check out some of our other videos!

Dry needling

What is qi? It’s not what you’ve heard!

Acupuncture is NOT Energy Medicine

Have you ever felt nervous to investigate Acupuncture, because it just doesn’t make sense to you? Maybe you are a science person and you just can’t buy the energy medicine thing. Maybe the idea of energy healing conflicts with your religious beliefs.

Not to worry! Acupuncture has nothing to do with magical energy. It is a physical medicine based on the body. Watch this video to find out more—and yes, I know I should re-shoot it. This was my first video, and this whole web thing has a learning curve to it. In the meantime, I’m just going to go help some patients and leave this less than beautiful video up, in case it can actually help someone.

And in case that didn’t blow your mind enough, check out some other myths and facts about Chinese Medicine!


Function = Health

Some define health as the absence of disease. At Gulf Coast Wellness, we think that’s setting the bar a bit low. There must be something that happens in between being perfectly healthy and having a disease. Ever wonder what that is? Watch this video to find out!–BUT WAIT—if you haven’t watched my What is Qi video yet, PLEASE watch that first

Myths and Facts About Chinese Medicine I

Myths and Facts About Chinese Medicine II

Myths and Facts About Chinese Medicine III

Chris Kresser—Chinese Medicine Demystified

Dry Needling

Don’t be scammed by second-rate needling therapy. Get informed and protect yourself by seeing fully trained, qualified, knowledgeable professionals and not falling for buzz-word marketing!


What is Qi?

Qi. It’s the most confusing idea in Chinese Medicine and the main reason that people with scientific or traditional medical backgrounds don’t believe in it. But it turns out that the most common conception of qi is utterly incorrect. Watch the video to find out the real definition of qi and how we went so wrong.

More information on this topic:

Myths and Facts About Chinese Medicine I

Myths and Facts About Chinese Medicine II

Myths and Facts About Chinese Medicine III

Chris Kresser—Chinese Medicine Demystified

And if that’s not enough, Read the whole book! Dao of Chinese Medicine by Donald Kendall