Lamb broth w/ lamb shank
You Will Need
3-4 lbs Lamb shank from Avedano’s
2 T apple cider vinegar
4-5 2 qt. jars
Ladel or 2 c. pyrex measuring cup
Canning funnel
Metal tea strainer
1 programmable slow cooker
- Place lamb in slow cooker
- Pour vinegar over meat.
- Add filtered water to fill slow cooker
- Cook for 24 hours on low.
Tip: Make sure you’re slow cooker isn’t going to go off and need to be re-set in the middle of the night while you are sleeping! Just re-set it before bed if necessary.
- Let the stock and meat cool for a couple of hours before attempting to work with them.
- Place a colander inside a large mixing bowl, and set up a jar with the canning funnel in the top and your tea strainer across the top of the canning funnel.
- Use the ladel or 2 c measuring cup to pour the liquid through the tea strainer into your jars.
Tip: If you plan to freeze your broth, use BPA-free plastic containers . My jars always seem to crack into the most frightening giant shards of glass you’ve ever seen!
- Use your tongs to remove meat and place into colander inside the bowl.
- Once all the stock is in the jars, it’s time to pull the meat off the bones!
- Using your hands, slowly pick the meat off the bone.
- Place meat in a jar or Tupperware in the refrigerator.
- Leave stock on counter to cool for a few hours and place in fridge.
Meat can be stored on the bone or removed from the bone prior to storage.