There are all kinds of misconceptions out there about what type of person uses natural medicine. In this video I hope to clear up some of the misconceptions and help you to decide if natural medicine is for you.
If that comment about Acupuncture having nothing to do with energy medicine threw you off, take a look at this other video!
One of the most common questions I get in my clinic is, “How do you know which points to use?” Really, it’s the same way your MD knows which drug to prescribe or referral to give, lots and lots of training.
If you’ve watched my other videos, you’ve probably figured out by now that Acupuncture is a physical medicine and not an energy medicine. It works on the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and immune system. Despite the conventional wisdom that this is all very mystical, quite a lot is known about the mechanism of Acupuncture, particularly in the treatment of pain. If you have advanced education in physiology or medicine, I highly recommend reading Donald Kendall’s The Dao of Chinese Medicine, printed by Oxford University Press! I don’t get any kickbacks for recommending it; I just think it’s a great book.
For the regular folks out there, these videos will help you understand what is going through my mind when making a point selection. It’s all very physiological and straightforward! It doesn’t even require chanting or channeling or any other mystical intervention!
If you liked those, check out some of our other videos!